E-Learning cybersecurity

E-learning is becoming increasingly popular in the world of training due to its many advantages. By learning online, you can learn at your own pace, when and where you want. Through 3D and gamification trends, our e-learning courses take the form of interactive stories and videos. With an estimated duration of 20 to 40 minutes depending on the topic, they are accompanied by an English voice-over with French subtitles. A personal account will be created for you on an online LMS platform to allow you to access your training for one year, or longer if needed.

E-Learning Informationssicherheit

Information Security

E-Learrning Sicheres Surfen im Internet

Surfing the Internet Safely

E-Learning Sicheres Arbeiten im Homeoffice

Working from Home

E-Learning Sichere Nutzung mobiler IT-Geräte

Secure Use of Mobile Devices

E-Learning Social Engineering

Social Engineering

E-Learning Mobiles Arbeiten

Working Remotely

E-Learning Sichere Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke

Secure Use of Social Media

E-Learning Phishing, Spear-Phishing und Ransomware

Phishing, Spear Phishing and Ransomware

E-Learning Informationssicherheit vertiefend

Information Security Advanced

E-Learning CEO Fraud

CEO Fraud

E-Learning Informationssicherheit auf Reisen

Information Security while Traveling

E-Learning Passwortsicherheit

Password Security

E-Learning Informationssicherheit im Home-Office

Information Security at Home

Cybersecurity in Public

Cybersecurity and Customer Meetings

Cyber Security for Production Staff

Information Security

This 20-minute interactive story-based training familiarizes you with information security. It provides important background information and teaches you how to handle sensitive data correctly in everyday situations. By following Lisa through her workday, users learn about all the essential elements of information security. Through practical situations that test your security awareness in areas such as social engineering, phishing, or password security. This course is suitable for training in compliance with the new EU NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Surfing the Internet Safely

By means of an entertaining, interactive story, this 3D training familiarizes your employees with the topic of online safety. It provides them with valuable tips to protect themselves from malware, scams, data theft or cybermobbing, both in their professional and private life. While accompanying protagonist Tim during his day at work, your employees learn – among other things – how to recognize dangerous websites, what to bear in mind when working on the go and which file endings might pose a threat. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Working from Home

In this 3D training, your employees will learn how to implement important information security guidelines while working from home. Through an engaging and interactive story, this course familiarizes your staff with all the essential elements of information security. Additionally, the 3D environment provides expert knowledge on topics such as the clear desk policy, file destruction, updates, and router and printer settings. With practical examples, your employees will learn how to protect data effectively and keep your company secure. This course is suitable for training programs in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Secure Use of Mobile Devices

Whether smartphones, tablet PCs, notebooks etc. are used for work or private life, they often contain important and sensitive information and customer data. Insufficient protection, theft or loss of mobile devices may entail legal consequences for your company or your employees. This staff training provides information on common risks and teaches your workforce how to use portable IT devices in the right way. Some of the topics covered in this web-based training are backup creation, PIN and password protection and the prevention of shoulder surfing. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Social Engineering

The term “Social Engineering” refers to the intended manipulation of people with the goal of obtaining sensitive information and data. In the course of a continuous story, this staff training sheds light on the most common points of attack. Under false pretenses, attackers try to take advantage of typical inter-personal behaviors like being helpful or customer-friendly. Attacks can be carried out in a number of ways: via phone, via e-mail or in an ordinary conversation. This web-based training teaches your employees in a number of interactive exercises and quizzes how to act correctly in case of Social Engineering attacks like Phishing, Vishing and Social Media Mining and how to work safely in public places. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Working Remotely

More and more often, business activities take place outside the office, for instance during meetings or in public. This can be a serious threat to your company’s information security. This staff training teaches your employees how to act appropriately outside of the office and how to protect company-internal information in the best possible way. Some of the topics covered are data processing, conversations in public and working with unknown wireless networks. This web-based training is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Phishing, Spear Phishing and Ransomware

In cases of “Phishing”, attackers try to gain access to sensitive information or install malicious software via various channels of communication (e-mail, phone, text message). The criminals pretend to be trustworthy individuals or companies and – if they are successful – may cause considerable harm to your company. In this staff training, your employees will get to know different kinds of attacks, such as spear phishing, whaling, vishing, smishing or blackmail via e-mail, in the course of an interactive story. They will learn not only how to recognize attacks but also how to counter them. In this way, this web-based training can increase your company’s IT security and contribute to protecting sensitive company-internal data. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Secure Use of Social Media

Employees have an integral role to play in a company’s public perception. They represent their employer and also serve as the voice of their company. To ensure the best possible corporate image and to protect valuable company-internal information, responsible usage of social networks is essential. In this staff training, your employees will learn how to use social media in the right way, both at work and in their private lives. Some of the topics covered in this web-based training are postings, security risks and privacy settings. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Information Security Advanced

In a visually appealing way, this staff training teaches your employees all the essentials about risks and issues regarding information security in the company. The texts and instructions in the course are rather general to ensure that they apply to a wide range of different companies and can be adapted or extended easily. The goal of this web-based training is to familiarize your employees with the right behavior concerning cyber security and security awareness and in this way protect your company. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


CEO Fraud

CEO Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon. This impersonation scam originated in the USA where criminals made billions of dollars by posing as company CEOs. Since 2016, this kind of fraud has become increasingly common in Europe too. Various companies have lost millions to this scam. In this interactive training, your employees will get to know all the essentials regarding CEO Fraud and learn how to avoid falling into this trap. The educational contents in this web-based training consist of important background information and relevant regulations for correct behavior. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Information Security while Traveling

Many employees are mobile and travel to customers and partner companies to conduct their business. In order to fulfil the complex requirements regarding information and data protection in a company, high security awareness is essential. In an effective and memorable way, this staff training will provide your employees with relevant background information and behavioral tips regarding information security while traveling. Thanks to its multimedia approach, this web-based training helps your employees put everything they have learned into practice. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).

E-Learning Passwortsicherheit

Password Security

In this web-based training, your employees get to know all the essentials regarding password protection. It will help you both protect your systems and data from unauthorized access and keep your company from harm. This course teaches your staff not only how to create a secure password but also shows how to keep it safe. In a number of interactive exercises, your employees will get to know the most common forms of attacks – such as Phishing, Shoulder Surfing or Social Engineering – and will also receive useful tips for protecting mobile devices (mobile phones or tablet computers). This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).


Information Security at Home

Working from home provides flexibility to everyone who struggles with the distance from their place of work, health issues, family obligations or other concerns. However, you should bear in mind that the workplace at home does not offer the same level of information security as the one in the company. Special measures are required to ensure important data is also protected against loss, theft or unauthorized access at home. This web-based training teaches your employees all the essentials for working at home and also gives you the chance to integrate your own, individual company-internal rules and regulations. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).

E-Learning Informationssicherheit im Home-Office

Cybersecurity in Public

In this course, your employees will learn what they need to pay attention to in order to be able to work safely in public. While accompanying protagonist Chloe, they get to know important topics such as shoulder surfing, access protection, internet, VPN, public charging stations and many more.


Cybersecurity and Customer Meetings

In this interactive 3D training course, you accompany the protagonist Chloe to a customer appointment. Together with Chloe, you will learn how you can protect sensitive data by your behavior even in foreign environments. In addition to the actual meeting, this WBT also deals with the preparation and follow-up.


Cyber Security for Production Staff

The security of confidential information and data is of paramount importance for companies in the field of industrial production too. Information security has an important role to play in ensuring smooth business operations. This staff training – aimed at production staff – will familiarize your employees with all the essentials regarding this topic and the special requirements of the industrial sector. In this way, you can reduce the risk of industrial espionage and production downtime. This course is suitable for trainings in conformity with the European Union’s new NIS Directive (2016/1148).